Zizzy's Postcards. Cheyenne, Wyoming

Cheyenne Wyoming

My Photo
Location: 41°N to 45°N 104°3'W to 111°3'W, Zone 4

Trip Advisor: Local Expert for Cheyenne, Wyoming. How that happened, I'll never know. LOL

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Buildings and Street Scenes

US Post Office - postmarked 1907

Chamber of Commerce "926 Aeroplane view of Cheyenne, Wyoming"
I don't know when this photo was taken, but, its before Warren went through. Neat card. :)

"1st Presbyterian Church Cheyenne, Wyoming

I love the trolley tracks in this one.

a Stimson photo. 16th St. looking East.

Depot postmarked 1907

and Depot postmarked 1908

Capitol Building Postmarked 1913

Apparently, we've expanded.

16th Street. Inter-Ocean Hotel is on the right. Burlington Northern Depot on the left. Tivoli.. on down the street. My first thought on seeing this??? "awnings? in Wyoming?" LOL

"High School and Carnegie Library, Cheyenne, Wyo." postmarked 1920 Cheyenne had the First Carnegie Library in the United States. We tore it down in 1966.
of course, The Plains. :)

17th Street Business District.
The Mayflower Café. Postmarked 1943.

Valencia Restaurant

The H. N. Boyd Building

Western Ranchman Outfitters
Postcard says "A splendid new viaduct was constructed in 1929 leading from the center of Cheyenne's business district south over the railroad yards to afford a much more direct course for auto traffic to the south. At the same time, a new section of highway was built southr from the viaduct connecting with the Denver Road to make a more direct route into the city".
SO.... where was this viaduct?

The Chapman Building:

Frontier Hotel


Frontier Park from the Air during Frontier Days